Ellie Maresch


Fifth Grade

651-768-3000 ext. 3082

Ellie Maresch has been teaching in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for over 20 years and has been at St. Ambrose since 2000. At St. Catherine’s University she received her Bachelor of Arts in both Elementary Education and English. She then went on to earn a Master of Arts in Instruction and Curriculum from the University of St. Thomas. Mrs. Maresch also has a Graduate Certificate in Gifted and Talented Education. 

Mrs. Maresch has taught at various grade levels in elementary education, but her true passion is teaching 5th grade. She finds the curriculum allows for more depth and breadth of study. Mrs. Maresch believes creating a positive, safe and enjoyable learning environment is the secret to success and that all children will learn if they feel wanted and welcome and their educational needs are met. She strives to create a classroom that is Christ-centered and positive and helps students to understand they are important because they each bring different gifts and talents to the class. 

Travel and reading are two of Mrs. Maresch’s hobbies. She incorporates these interests into her classroom by sharing stories, photos and other items from places she has visited as she finds first hand experience enriches learning. Also, by joining the students as they read during quiet time, she feels it speaks volumes to the students about how reading is an important part of a great education. 

The proud Mom of two, Mrs. Maresch recognizes success at school as being a triangle of school, home and the child, all playing an equal role in the learning experience that is centered around God. 

“I chose to be a Catholic School teacher because I recognize God as being a part of all of our lives. From the mystery of creation, to the joys and tragedies of history, to understanding a math equation, God is there. I have learned from my 5th grade students that God has given all of us talents which help us to grow in His wisdom and knowledge – what a gift!” – Ellie Maresch

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