When I reflect where we were two years ago, and then last year, and where we are now, I am so grateful. For those of you who have joined us in the last two years, you have not experienced some of the amazing community-building activities that have been limited because we have not gathered. This year we have been cautious about planning large events, but feel that we can move forward at this time.
In celebration of being able to gather, and with a focus on both community-building and raising money for financial assistance, we are planning a party!
Save the date for Friday, May 6. We are putting together a casual evening of fun for parents and friends of Saint Ambrose. Join us for “Going to Bat for Saint Ambrose”
- We have a band
- We’ll have food and drinks
- You could win free tuition next year! (Raffle tickets will be sent home today with your child – check the backpacks)!
- We want you to come and… bring your friends.
– Tickets are $50 each
– Cash Bar – you can purchase drink tickets ahead of time – $1 each and most drinks will range from 3-7 tickets.
– Donate online to help Saint Ambrose School and students
Are you interested in child care for the evening – register here