Stephanie Shippy

Stephanie Shippy

6th-8th Grade Special Education Teacher

651-768-3000 ext. 3056

Stephanie Shippy received her BA in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and a Masters of Education. She also holds Graduate Certificates in Special Education and Gifted and Talented Education. As a special education teacher, Mrs. Shippy enjoys helping people advocate for themselves and watching their growth during the time she works with them. When not helping students at St. Ambrose, Mrs. Shippy may be found traveling or reading. Both activities expand her mind and help her to see the world in new ways. This experience enriches her knowledge so she may challenge the students to be the best they can be.

Mrs. Shippy believes all students can learn and that it is her responsibily to help foster their talents. She strives to create a safe environment where all students feel safe to learn and express themselves.

“Working with students in this age group is very rewarding and challenging at the same time. I would have to say the biggest thing I have learned is to be flexible. Getting to know the students on a personal level allows for flexibility in challenging them to stretch their minds.” – Stephanie Shippy

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