Melissa Schisler


Director of Mission and 8th Grade Religion

651-768-3000 ext. 3085

Melissa Schisler has worked at St. Ambrose since 2012. She graduated from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin where she majored in Elementary Education and minored in Middle School Language Arts. She received her Master’s degree in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary’s University.

Creating an atmosphere where her students are challenged is one way Ms. Schisler encourages them to perform to their greatest potential. Also, because she feels laughter is the best medicine, why not use it in a learning environment to make the subject matter fun? Junior high is an exciting time and students have lots of energy. By channeling their emotions into a positive classroom environment, Ms. Schisler creates a community where each individual feels valued and free to express him- or herself.

Ms. Schisler has always known she wanted to teach. She had many great role models throughout her school years and was encouraged to pursue her dream. One of her favorite aspects of teaching is watching grow and change throughout the year. Watching hearts and minds expand with what they are hearing and learning from our Lord is incredible. She also enjoys partaking in service with the students that she teaches. Ms. Schisler also enjoys exploring her Catholic faith and sharing it with her students. Being able to pray every day with her classes is a blessing. To thank God for the good things, and the not so good, is a wonderful way to share her faith and connect with her students. There are so many amazingly holy people in the world. She tries to emulate that love and holiness in her daily life. In her free time Ms. Schisler loves to read, listen to music, cook and travel.

“I have learned a lot working with St. Ambrose students. First, it is often better to listen than to talk. Also, it is important to step outside your comfort zone. Finally, I have learned that being goofy makes life more entertaining!” – Melissa Schisler

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